Monday, September 26, 2005

Monty Python´s The meaning of life & Life of Brian

The meaning of life foi o primeiro filme deles que assisti, era uma junção de vários skatches (squetxes? skechs? skece) aparentemente com alguma ligação no desenrolar da história. São quilos de piadas engraçadíssimas em cima de preceitos e morais correntes. Prestar atenção nas animações e nas músicas com letras sempre irônicas. A cena do casal de protestantes falando mal dos cristãos cheios de filhos da casa da frente é a melhor
Harry Blackitt: Look at them, bloody Catholics, filling the bloody world up with bloody people they can't afford to bloody feed.
Mrs. Blackitt: What are we dear?
Harry Blackitt: Protestant, and fiercely proud of it.
Mrs. Blackitt: Hmm. Well, why do they have so many children?
Harry Blackitt: Because... every time they have sexual intercourse, they have to have a baby. Mrs. Blackitt: But it's the same with us, Harry.
Harry Blackitt: What do you mean?
Mrs. Blackitt: Well, I mean, we've got two children, and we've had sexual intercourse twice. (continua o diálogo, vá ver o filme, não vou reescrever todo o roteiro aqui)

, e o musical da centena de filhos dançando pelas ruas (every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm is wasted, God gets quite iraaaate) marca a vida de quem assiste. Ou a semana.
New Mother as soon as she sees her new baby: Is it a boy or a girl?
Obstretrician: I think it's a bit early to start imposing roles on it, don't you?

Já o coitado do Brian (filme todo passado na época em que ser messias era ser pop):
Brian: I am NOT the Messiah!
Arthur: I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've FOLLOWED A FEW.

Sempre com tiradas inteligentes e sarcásticas, o filme esculhamba com aqueles que seguem ditos, pessoas ou leis, sem se perguntar para onde, nem quem, nem por que caminham. Perguntas sempre úteis para a auto-preservação na seleção natural das espécies. Mas só pelo esporte mesmo, nada fundamentalmente sério (justamente para não ser levado a sério. Na Noruega passou quase uma década censurado, o que gerou no cartaz da Suécia, ao lado, o apelo: The film that is so funny it was banned in Norway).
Reg: If you want to join the People's Front of Judea, you have to really hate the Romans.
Brian: I do!
Reg: Oh yeah, how much?
Brian: A lot!
Reg: Right, you're in.
Só os romanos que não se divertiam naquela época: na melhor sequência do filme, a crucificação, uma fila de prisioneiros vai sendo inquirida por um romano que organiza quem vai para que lado:
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Stan: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.
[Next prisoner]
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Prisioner: Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Stan: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere. Coordinator: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.
Stan: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.
Coordinator: [laughing] Oh yes, very good. Well...
Stan: Yes I know, out of the door, one cross each, line on the left.

Always look on the bright side of life

Thursday, September 22, 2005

FACE OFF - porque é o melhor filme de ação que já vi

- (Travolta, o bom, como Cage, liga para casa depois de fugir da prisão. Cage - o mau -, como Travolta, atende)
Castor Troy: Hello? This is Sean Archer.
Sean Archer: Well, if you are Sean Archer, then I must be Castor Troy.

- (Cage e Travolta se encontram, frente a frente, com os rostos, vozes e corpo, trocados)
Castor Troy: I don't know what I hate wearing worse. Your face or your body. I mean I certainly do enjoy boning your wife, but let's face it, we both like it better the other way yes? So why don't we trade back.
Sean Archer: You can't give back what you've taken from me.
Castor Troy: OK, then... plan B, why don't we just kill each other?
- Castor Troy: It's like looking in a mirror. Only... not.
- Dietrich: Hey Sean, how's your dead son?
- Castor Troy: I hate to see you go, but I LOVE to watch you leave.
- Castor Troy: If I were to send you flowers where would I... no, let me rephrase that. If I were to let you suck my tongue, would you be grateful?